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The best way to produce an antique look on stone and marble floors. Klindex Levighetor 640

»     Publié le 2020-06-08  [Lu  2269 fois]   Retour
Professional floor grinder complete of Planetary K1000.
Patented Mono-rotating planetary.

LEVIGHETOR 640 is the best selling grinding and polishing machine in the world.
It comes with Planetary K1000 for 4”/100mm tools to achieve the best finishing. Ideal to work in apartments. Thanks to the klindex’ patented 360° directional wheels that allow to move the machine in any direction, the Levighetor 640 can work in both large and narrow areas like bathrooms and kitchens. With its powerful 4HP motor, the Levighetor 640 is the only mono-phase machine in the world that can work with additional weights for a total of up to 160kg (350lbs). Easy to disassemble in 3 parts for transport. The ANTIKE BRUSHES are the best way to produce an antique look on marble floors in a natural and strictly mechanical way without using any chemical products. Do not apply any extra weight to avoid bending the bristles.

Grit available:

• Antike floor 36

• Antike floor 46

• Antike floor 70

• Antike floor 120

• Antike floor 220

• Antike floor 320

• Antike floor 500

Mme Salwa HAMDI
Email: abrasif.italia3@gmail.com
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