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» Annonces   » Publié le 17-09-2019  »  lu 1110 fois » Retour aux résultats      Imprimer       Publier votre annonce !

KEP 5400LM

Kep, spotlight for 3-phase electrified tracks, is designed to be equipped with the new 5400 lumen COB LED light source of last generation.
Its sober and thin shape meets the technical demand of passive dissipating the heat generated by the light source, very important feature for retail.
Also available with DALI driver, on demand, to use on the proper dimmable DKM track.
Orientation: 350° with respect to the vertical and horizontal axis.
A range of professional optics are available as accessories, to get different beam angles: they can be easily replaced without tools.
A version with base for wal lor ceiling mounting is also available.
Kep is a registered design model.

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Made in Tunisia

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Propriété de Tunisie Place de Marché S.A. Tout les droits sont résérvés.